Property Rights
Formal and informal rights to land, water, forests and rangelands.
Service Description
Property rights play a significant role in conflict and post-conflict policy design and if unaddressed present unique challenges that change rapidly within the first 3-5 years of a peace settlement. During the first 5 years of my career I was immersed in the technical aspects of building institutional capacity. A central part of that was understanding the role of property rights in post-conflict institutions in order to contribute towards long-term development. Approaching property rights in post-conflict and disaster management requires an ingrained focus on the substantive aspects of peace agreements and the development priorities of each region. Conducting assessments of institutional capacities is necessary to take stock. With the goal of maximising post-conflict recovery, my experiences in property rights related research and policy design involved incorporating customary law and traditional conflict resolution mechanism to ensure that policy implementation and outcomes, not just design, were the ultimate goal.
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