Transboundary and Cross-Border Rights
Doctorate on the rights of communities between international borders.
Service Description
Between internal self-determination which is expressed within the borders of a State, and external self-determination which enables independent statehood; people between borders often fall between the cracks of internal and external self-determination. In my PhD I suggest that this gap can only be satisfied with a transboundary remedy; one that is neither internal to or external to State borders but somewhere in between. Through an intensive analysis of 8 case studies of border communities I show that transboundary self-determination applies to transboundary peoples in different global contexts. I draw reference from the experiences in the Sudan-South Sudan border areas, the Irish border, communities in the Kashmir region between India and Pakistan, Kurdish civilians along the borders of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey, Native American tribes between US-Canada and US-Mexico border, the Sami peoples in Scandinavia, the Chagossians in connection to BIOT/ Chagos archipelago and fishing communities in the southern Red Sea Islands.
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