Law. Policy. Practice.
Legal Counsel. Scholar. Mentor.
My name is Harum Mukhayer and I am a public international lawyer. I have committed 12 years of my career to international development, public international law, policy practice, and helping governments design effective policies to eradicate poverty.
I am a Legal Counsel with the World Bank. I have worked with the UN in Sudan, South Sudan and Somalia, and conducted research on various regional and international contexts; like my research, my intellectual curiosity has no territorial bounds.
I completed my PhD in International Law at the University of Cambridge, I did my LLM at the University of Dundee, and my undergraduate degree at Ahfad University for Women.
I specialise in international law with a focus on territorial sovereignty and the rights of communities between two or more states.
If you would like to start a conversation about areas of common interest or are interested in being mentored by me, please get in touch!

What we can work on together!
Principles of international law governing borders and territory.
Conflict and post-conflict adapted programme cycle management
Implementing policy through tailored institutional design
Doctorate on the rights of communities between international borders.
Frameworks to support sustainable livelihoods and conflict prevention
Formal and informal rights to land, water, forests and rangelands.